
U.S. DV Lottery 2025: Application, Eligibility and Requirements

The Department of State every year serves the statutorily produced Diversity Immigrant Visa Programs. Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act supplies for a Class of settlers described as diverse immigrants from nations with a chronologically reduced relocation rate to the U.S. For the year 2025, about 55,000 Diversity Visas will be obtainable. There are no fees attached to enrolling in the DV program; however, nominees who are booked for an interview will be needed to make a payment for a visa application fee preference to making their official visa application in which an embassy official will specify whether they are eligible for the visa.

Candidates nominated in the program must satisfy straightforward but stringent qualifications provisions to be eligible for a DV. The Department of State specifies nominees via randomized computer graphing. The department also shares diversity visas among six topographic areas, and not even one nation may obtain more than 7% of the obtainable D.V.s in a year.

What is a Diversity Visa?

The Department of State serves the Diversity Visa (DV) immigrant visa scheme, a yearly program for relocation to the U.S. About 55,000 settlers can go into the U.S. annually from nations with reduced relocation rates to the U.S.

The Diversity Visa Lottery

The DV program, which is the Diversity Visa Lottery, is congressionally ordered and permits about 55,000 individuals from countries that are chronologically under-defined when it comes to relocation to the U.S.A. to be eligible annually for immigrant visas, which is also described as GREEN CARDS. The scheme is described as a Green Card Lottery or “DV lottery” because the winners are specified via a lucky drawing among the 10-12 million individuals who go in annually worldwide.

The United States is happy to be a nation of settlers. Hence, many more individuals are arriving in the United States of America from specific countries than others. For instance, the Philippines, Mexico, and China have largely outnumbered those from several other nations. For one to keep the diversity in the population, United States regulations control relocation from some regions of the globe. Due to this motive, the United States of America has luckily allocated 55,000 Green Cards in the DV Lottery annually since 1994.

Eligibility for the Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery

The diversity immigrant visa scheme makes immigrant visas obtainable to nationals of nations with reduced relocation rates. Read on to discover if you are eligible.

  • Natives of nations with historically reduced relocation rates to the U.S. may be qualified to enter. If you are not a citizen of a country with historically reduced immigration rates to the U.S., there exist two other methods you may be eligible for:
  1. Is your partner a native of a nation with chronologically reduced relocation rates to the U.S.? If this is true, you can assert your partner’s country of birth because you and your partner are nominated on the assigned entry, are discovered qualified and allocated diversity visas, and go into the United States at the exact time.
  2. Are you a citizen of a nation without a historically reduced relocation rate to the U.S.? However, none of your parents was birthed or lawfully living at the time of your birth. If this is true, you may assert the nation of birth of one of your parents if it tends to be a nation whose citizens are qualified for the DV-2025 program.
  • Every Diversity Visa candidate is required to satisfy the academic and job skills provisions of the DV scheme by possessing maybe:
  1. A minimum of high school education or equivalent is described as the victorious conclusion of a 12-year formal elementary and secondary schooling program.


  1. Twenty-four months of work skills within the previous five years in a job that needs at least 24 months of apprenticeship or abilities to execute. The Department of State will use the United States Department of Labor’s O*Net Online database to specify eligible job skills.

You are only required to present an entry to the Diversity Visa program if you satisfy these two provisions.

Steps of Application for the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program

Step One: Present an Entry

There is a restricted duration at which you can enroll for the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) scheme at the time of every fiscal year. Annually, the Department of State publicizes explicit directions for going into the DV program. These directions have to do with the dates of the enrollment duration at which the candidate can enter.

All applications must be presented online at the determined enrollment duration on the Electronic Diversity Visa website. The law permits just one application for each individual at the time of the enrollment duration.

After submitting a concluded application, you will see a verification screen comprising your name and a special verification code. This verification screen should be printed out and kept in a safe place. It is advised to maintain your verification code, as it is the only method to view your application’s status. You will require it to receive additional directions or book an interview for a visa if you are nominated.

Step Two: Selection of Candidates

Annually, the Department of State performs a lucky picking of Diversity Immigrant Visa candidates, according to the sharing of obtainable visas in each area and nation from every enrolled application. Before 4th May 2024, details on the Entrant Status Check on the Electronic Diversity Visa website are posted to notify all entrants if their online application was approved. You must type in your verification code, which you received when you filled out your admission form, to view your status. If you have misplaced your verification code, you cannot view your admission status. And the verification code will not be sent to you a second time.

NOTE:The Department of State will not message notification notes or inform nominees using email. United States consulates will not offer a list of nominees. The only medium of checking the Entrant Status Check will be on the E-DV website, whereby the Department of States informs nominees of their nominees.

If your admission is appointed, you will be redirected to a verification passage that will offer you additional directions, which comprises information on payments related to relocation to the U.S. Entrant Status Check is the only medium for nominees to be informed of their appointment. You are strongly advised to have access to the Entrant Status Check alone and not depend on another person to check and notify you.

Step Three: If You Are Nominated

Suppose you obtain information via the Electronic Diversity Visa website that you have been nominated for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. In that case, you must successfully conclude the stages on the pages before an embassy interview can be booked to specify if you will obtain a visa. You are required to fill these stages immediately.

Suppose you obtain a notification via the E-DV site that you have been nominated for further processing in the Diversity Visa Program and are available in the U.S. In that case, you may be qualified to change your status to receive P.R. via the Diversity Visa program.

Note:Remember that the nomination does not assure you will obtain a visa. To get a Diversity Visa to relocate to the United States, nominees must satisfy all qualifications provisions under the United States law.

Step Four: Verify Your Qualifications

The DV program needs the primary Diversity Visa candidate to possess high school academics, or its equivalent, or 24 months of eligible work skills as described under requirements of United States law. You must have the required academic or suitable work skills to qualify for a DV. You must contemplate not seeking a Diversity Visa application if you do not satisfy the eligible academic or work skills clarified below, as you may not be qualified for a DV and any changes you make. Payment for the visa request will not be returned.

High School Education

A high school education implies the successful conclusion of a proper program of elementary and secondary schooling equivalent to a 12-year program in the U.S. Only appropriate programs of research that satisfy this provision with equivalent credentials, such as the G.E.D., are not approved.

Employment Skills

Suppose you are eligible to use work skills. In that case, you are required to have 24 months of skills in the last five years in a career which, according to United States Department of Labor descriptions, needs a minimum of 24 months of apprenticeship or abilities that are formed as Job Zone 4 or 5, categorized on a Specific Vocational Preparation ranking of 7.0 or above.

Step Five: Present Your Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application

The principal applicant and every household member applying for a DV program must complete Form DS-260. You will be required to enter your Diversity Visa case code into the online DS-260 form to have entry and update the details concerning yourself and the household that you attached to your Diversity Visa entry.

Note:if you owned a partner or kids before presenting your original application, however, you did not attach them on your initial application form, which includes mistakes that may render you, or any of your household members, not qualified for a diversity visa. If your family occurrences have been legally modified after presenting your original application, you must attach those family members, and every family member’s entry will be checked.

Step Six: Presenting Supporting Documents

After K.C.C. (Kentucky Consular Center) obtains and runs the DS-260 application form for you and your supporting household members, you will get directions for the ways to present needed accompanying documents. Your interview will be booked once you show scanned duplicates of every required supporting document, observing the guidelines attached. If you cannot receive a particular paper, forward a clarification of why you can not receive the documents as inclusion in .jpeg or .pdf setup to[email protected]with your case code in the subject line. You will carry the original document to the interview with the embassy official. It is highly advised that you start this procedure on time.

Step Seven: Interview

After K.C.C. has checked your concluded DS-260, you may obtain a message from K.C.C. to inform you that an interview has been booked at the United States Embassy you opted for on your Form DS-260. The email will direct you to the Entrant Status Check on the Electronic Diversity Visa website, using your Diversity Visa application verification code to check the interview date, time, and location. You are required to print out this information while going for the interview. You must be available at the interview with your partner and kids applying for the Diversity Immigrant Visa.

Note: You can only be booked for an interview when and if a visa code is available. Visa code or number sharing is specified by requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which determines the number of diverse immigrant visas obtainable annually.

Step Eight: Get Ready For Interview

You are advised to get ready for your interview very well and carefully. Failure to be prepared for your interview at the United States embassy can lead to a delay or refusal of your visa entry. Listed below are the essential steps to take in preparation for your interview.

  1. Check carefully your scheduling details in the Entrant Status Check on the E-DV website, taking note of the date, time, and place of your immigrant visa interview.
  2. Check the United States Embassy interview directions.
  3. Book and conclude a medical test.
  4. Assemble photos and every remaining needed document.
  5. Check for more details.

Step Nine: Candidate Interview

You, your partner, and any eligible single kids relocating with you must participate in the interview. If your partner or eligible single child will relocate later and go on the trip separately from you, they will not be required to partake in the interview. They will be booked for a different interview schedule. You must contact the United States embassy or consulate directly to arrange other interviews. You are required to bring along to the interview:

  1. Appointment letter
  2. Form DS-260 verification page
  3. Passport
  4. Photographs
  5. Medical test results
  6. Original and accompanying documents
  7. Additional information

Step Ten: After the Interview

Having concluded your interview at the United States embassy, the official will notify you whether your visa request is endorsed or rejected.

DV-2025 Program Online Registration

The online enrollment duration for the DV-2025 program starts on 4th October 2023, at noon EDT (GMT-4 ), and closes on 7th November 2023 at 12:noon E.S.T. (GMT-5). Presentation of more than one application for an individual at the enrollment period will only qualify some applications for that individual.

DV-2025 Program Directions

The English rendition of the DV-2025 program directions is the PDF setup, the only formal arrangement. Unofficial interpretations in more languages will be included on this webpage as they become obtainable.

Note: For the intentions of qualification, some nations attach elements and dependent regions abroad. If you are a citizen of a dependency or abroad region, please pick out the applicable country of qualification.

Examples of Photo Passport

Your passport or digital photos are an essential aspect of your application. Check the examples in the blog to understand how your passport or digital photo is required to look. We advise you to use a specialist photo service to ensure your photo passport satisfies all the provisions. The approval of your image or digital photo is at the mercy of the United States embassy where you made the application.

You can log into the U.S. Diversity Visa Lottery without restriction at or use the self-service if you require assistance with the application procedures. is powered by the American Dream – US GreenCard Service GmbH, an administrative-certified relocation consultancy.